Tangle Teezer Review

If you’ve read my post about what I use to control my daughters’ curly hair (you can read it here), you’ll know that I use(d) a wide tooth comb to detangle knots.

That is the one part that was still quite frustrating in managing their hair. Yes, it was the best way to get a comb/brush through their hair but real did nothing until the very bottom parts where it tends to get knotty, The comb basically slid through the scalp and upper part of the hair. Everyone needs a good scrape of a brush on their scalp and through their hair. It just feels soooooo good! I felt bad that as girls they never get  to experience that :-/

Well, I had heard about the Knot Genie brush that supposedly runs through unruly and curly hair like nobody’s business. After doing some research Continue reading