Review: Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque


Aliza, we did not use the mask here

My daughter is 7 years old and she has a beautiful head of curls-so I say. According to her, straight hair is the way to go. Although I try to show her the beauty in it and explain that when she’s older she’ll have the option of wearing it straight or curly, it’s difficult for her to accept  since 95% of girls in her class have stick straight, no frizz hair. One of the biggest difficulties in having a daughter with pretty curly hair is that while she longs to brush it all the time (she’s very girly, sigh) I make sure she only does so while her hair is wet, straight after her shower. Which brings us to the actual brushing. It takes time and patience. You can read my previous posts on my general routine here and here. I still do pretty much everything there but I do not use the brush anymore and I have some newer, better products. Let me know in the comments if you’d like a detailed updated routine.

I’ve spent the past few years doing research and trying out different products. My intention is not to add thick-super strong holding products. I want her hair manageable and as frizz free as possible. Her hair is not kinky-and though she had more of the bottle-curls when she was younger, Continue reading

Tangle Teezer Review

If you’ve read my post about what I use to control my daughters’ curly hair (you can read it here), you’ll know that I use(d) a wide tooth comb to detangle knots.

That is the one part that was still quite frustrating in managing their hair. Yes, it was the best way to get a comb/brush through their hair but real did nothing until the very bottom parts where it tends to get knotty, The comb basically slid through the scalp and upper part of the hair. Everyone needs a good scrape of a brush on their scalp and through their hair. It just feels soooooo good! I felt bad that as girls they never get  to experience that :-/

Well, I had heard about the Knot Genie brush that supposedly runs through unruly and curly hair like nobody’s business. After doing some research Continue reading

Tinkerbell costume for Purim

My, where has the time gone?

This year Purim falls out on March 8th. (Read about Purim here on the Aish website or this Wikipedia article.)

In honor of Purim, my daughters’ school had a carnival and the kids went to school all dressed in their costumes! This year they wanted to be Tinkerbell. I believe this comes from their obsession show Jake and the Neverland Pirates. While the show is loosely based on Peter Pan, the cast is different and between you and me, there is no Tinkerbell on this show, but who’s gonna burst their bubble right? lol

Here are some pictures I took today of my girls all dressed up! Below I will tell you how I put it all together!

Costume: Purchased from 2 different buyers on Amazon. I was hoping they wouldn’t notice the slight differences in the costumes (one had more glittery wings than the other and the flower at the waist is a bit different). Thank goodness only my very perceptive 5 year old did, so I let her choose which wings she wanted. It is cold here in New York so they are wearing t-shirts and tights.

Shoes: Found them at a Disney store (perfect!). If you look closely, you will notice the original green elastic strap it came with. Although it held the foot better than I thought it would, I wished it was located closer to the ankle like a real mary jane. As they ran around the house with them they kept slipping off. So my creative self (pat on the back here;)) found the perfect pink organza ribbon to match the material under the butterfly at the toe part and used it to make an additional strap. I punctured holes at the sides of the shoes, ran the ribbon through and voilà. It worked.

Makeup: Thanks to my Coastal Scents 88 color eye shadow palette, I had plenty of lime greens, yellows and greens to create this look. With Yellows and Lime Greens I covered the entire lid, and added darker greens at the outer corners for a more wing tipped look. A tad of pink blush to liven up the cheeks and some shimmer makeup on the cheeks and forehead (not really visible in the pictures).

Hair: A top knot bun. Well, almost-I did the quickie version.

That’s it! You like? Let me know!

Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday!)

Best products for curly haired gals out there

My 5 year old daughter somehow managed to get herself a head full of beautiful curly hair. My husband has stick straight hair and I have wavy, none of the curls that she has going on!

She had begun telling me that she wishes she had straight hair. My heart fell as I always hoped that she will embrace her curls and learn to love them.

So I figured it’s time to get serious about using the right products to maintain and enhance what she’s got. Especially noticeable and bothersome to her was the light layer of frizz on top her head once her hair dried. Having no experience with curly hair other then some light mousse usage on myself, I immersed myself in research on everything curls.

I figured I will share this with others looking for tried and true products. Of course product results differ on individuals, depending on specific hair type and preferences.

Hair styling begins as the shower gets turned off. A light squeeze of the hair to get majority of the water out is step one. Then, instead of using a traditional terry towel Continue reading

Loving Kyle Richards (RHBH) earrings!

Much to the chagrin of my hubby I love to watch The Real Housewives of Wherever.

I actually watch it more for humor and studying the clothes and accessories than for the social aspect. Kyle Richards from this season’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Continue reading