Review: Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque


Aliza, we did not use the mask here

My daughter is 7 years old and she has a beautiful head of curls-so I say. According to her, straight hair is the way to go. Although I try to show her the beauty in it and explain that when she’s older she’ll have the option of wearing it straight or curly, it’s difficult for her to accept  since 95% of girls in her class have stick straight, no frizz hair. One of the biggest difficulties in having a daughter with pretty curly hair is that while she longs to brush it all the time (she’s very girly, sigh) I make sure she only does so while her hair is wet, straight after her shower. Which brings us to the actual brushing. It takes time and patience. You can read my previous posts on my general routine here and here. I still do pretty much everything there but I do not use the brush anymore and I have some newer, better products. Let me know in the comments if you’d like a detailed updated routine.

I’ve spent the past few years doing research and trying out different products. My intention is not to add thick-super strong holding products. I want her hair manageable and as frizz free as possible. Her hair is not kinky-and though she had more of the bottle-curls when she was younger, her curls are actually relaxing as she’s getting older, and it’s probably mostly due to it getting weighed down as it’s lengthening.

ANYWAY! I’ve heard a lot about the Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque. At a cost of around $30 I was a little hesitant to buy it. She’s young, maybe I didn’t need to spend big(ger) bucks on masks. It claims to penetrate hair and leave it shiny, stronger and healthier. I heard that one before lol.

Some time passed and I kept thinking about it. Her frizz issues are mostly at the front hair line which I’m sure as she gets older and straightens even just those pieces, it’ll make all the difference of looking tidy. Since her hair is not oily (frizz tends to be associated with dryness) and I really wanted to find something that battled the frizz, I decided to give a it a go. She wants to feel pretty so she deserves it. Plus, I got it at CVS which has a great return policy.450

Directions: at the beginning of the shower you apply it (after shampoo/conditioner) and leave it on for 7 minutes. Rinse it out and viola. Well, last night we gave it a go and this is what I call a miracle in a jar! Wow! Her hair was soooooo easy to brush! It took under five minutes carefully and slowly brushing out little sections at a time which is how I always do it. It was so super smooth! I heard only 2 ouches! The real test was this morning, there was basically no frizz in her hair! It was so nice to see. It says to use it no more than 2 times a week. She will continue to use it and we’ll see if the product holds up over time!

I would highly recommend this product. Let me know if you have any questions!

What do you think?